Public Art
Permanent installation, commissioned by the Oregon Arts Commission for the Asian Pacific Cultural Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 2016.
Collective, sponsored by the Regional Arts & Culture Council, Portland, 2011.
Permanent Collection
The Magnificent Fungi, Roy D. Nielsen, and Margaret Hogg Memorial Art About Agriculture purchase awards, sponsored by William Cook and Gwil Evans, the late Margaret Hogg, and the Oregon State University College of Agriculture Sciences, 2022.
Portland Artworks Purchase, Vanport Building, Percent for Art, Portland Oregon, 2021.
Fresh Perspective II: Portable Artwork Purchase, Seattle Public Utilities Office of Arts & Culture, 2019.
Portland Artworks Purchase, Multnomah County Health Department Headquarters, Percent for Art Program, Oregon, 2019.
Portland Small Works Collection, Portland Building, Portland, Oregon, 2019.
Bleeding Heart, Museum of Contemporary Art & Craft, Portland, Oregon, 2006.
Tea for Two, Museum of Contemporary Art & Craft, Portland, Oregon, 2003.
Honorable mention, Clay Matters, Epperson Gallery of Ceramic Art, Crockett, California, 2019
Best of Show, Alchemy of Surface, Skutt Kilns, Portland, Oregon, 2017
Purchase Award, Feats of Clay XXII, Lincoln Arts & Culture Foundation, Lincoln, California, 2009
Best of Show Award, Oregon Potters Association Ceramics Showcase, Portland, Oregon, 2003, 2006.
Selected Exhibitions
I contain Multitudes, The NCECA 2023 Annual, Weston Art Gallery, Aronoff Center for the Arts, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Sustainable Feast, Art about Agriculture, Touring exhibition, Oregon State University, Oregon
Abstract Sanctuary, Verum Ultimum Gallery, Portland, Oregon
Off Center, Blue Line Arts, Roseville, CA
Clay Matters, Epperson Gallery of Ceramic Arts, Crockett, CA
Visual Voices: Truth Narratives, The NCECA 2018 Annual, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Me, Myself, and I, Clay Art Center, Port Chester, New York.
Solo exhibition, Lan Su Chinese Garden, Portland, Oregon
All is flux, Guardino gallery, Portland, Oregon.
Wall Flowers, Solo exhibition, Lan Su Chinese Garden, Portland, Oregon.
Around Oregon Annual, The Arts Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
Two Persons Show, Guardino Gallery, Portland, Oregon.
Sitka Invitational, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, World Forestry Center, Portland, Oregon.
Ceramics and Glass Invitational, National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
Seasons, North Bank Artist Gallery. Vancouver, Washington.
Hokkaido Tile Exhibit, Sapporo, Japan.
Special Exhibit - 50 years Anniversary, Lake Oswego Art Festival, Lake Oswego, Oregon.
Portland Show Invitational, 18 Hands gallery, Houston, Texas.
Art of Plankton Invitational, The Arts Center, Corvallis, Oregon.
2 persons show, Spring Box Gallery, Portland, Oregon.
Oregon Clay Sculpture Invitational, Chemeketa Community College, Salem, Oregon.
Feature gallery exhibition, Guardino Gallery, Portland Oregon.
Clay on the Wall: 2010 Clay National, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
Oregon Public Broadcasting Online Arts & Life program, aired Sept 25th 2014
Hokkaido Tile Exhibit Catalog, 2013, Sapporo, Japan.
500 Teapots II, Lark Book, 2013.
Clay on the Wall 2010 Clay National Catalog, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
500 Platters, Plates, & Chargers, Lark Books, 2008.
Clay on the Wall 2007 Clay National Catalog, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.
500 Teapots, Lark Books, 2001.
accessCeramics, a contemporary ceramics image resource,
Related Experience
Panelist, Regional Arts & Culture Council, grant for 2015 visual art category
Art on the Vine commission, Oregon College of Art and Craft, Portland, Oregon.
Juror, Membership Has Its Benefit: OPA sponsored NCECA exhibition.
Ceramics Instructor, Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon. 2002-2003
Ceramics Studio Technician, Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon. 1999 – 2002
1989 – 1991 M.S., Nursing, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin.
1985 – 1987 B.S., Nursing, Kaoshiung Medical College, Kaoshiung, Taiwan.